Digital-Painting explorations
I’m passionate by digital-painting: I spend my free time to explore brushes and textures with Photoshop. My predilection experimentations themes are Robots, Cyborgs and Strange creatures.



Robot Rush:

Game jams:
I participated to a lot of Game Jams when I was more younger, mainly the famous Ludum Dare where you have to create a game in 48 hours. It was always a perfect way to experiment various styles and gameplays.
– Ludum Dare 30 | Get Connected :

– Misc :

– Ludum Dare 24 | Iterate :
ITERATE was one of them, we created a classic shoot’them up gameplay with random various projectiles. I had fun to design all the assets : sharp shapes with black and white composition and just orange and blue colors.

– Cosmobot :

– Nindash :





Brawl Stars Illustrations.

It is a challenging privilege to create the Brawl Stars loading screen illustrations since season 12.
↓ The Loading Screen illustration for STUNT SHOW (Season 12) was created with Francesco BERTI, Xavier HOUSSIN, Renato SIRAGUSA and Lucas SORRENTI.

↓ The Loading Screen illustration for DEEP DIVE (Season 13) was created with the OCELLUS Art team: FULL CREDITS.

↓ Our Halloween illustration was used as a Loading Screen for the BRAWLOWEEN special event. It was created with the OCELLUS Art team: FULL CREDITS.

↓ The Loading Screen illustration for GHOST TRAIN (Season 15) were created with the OCELLUS Art team: FULL CREDITS.

Brawl Stars Illustrations Art Direction.
After several illustrations created in solo, I’m now working as Art Director on Brawl Stars contents at Ocellus with a bunch of talented artists: Tiphaine Jego / Anne Marmion / Camille Le Souffaché / Benoit Roche / Kévin Bardy / Valerio “Dreelrayk” Buonfantino / Anton Kuryatnikov . Producer: Etienne Cartier. Thanks Cyril Corallo for his confidence.

Brawl Stars Concept Arts.

3D Coffees.

Inktober: Cybergirls.